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In celebration of the 24 year anniversary of The Verve Pipe’s “The Freshmen,” lead singer Brian Vander Ark talks about the hit song and his songwriting process.
“‘The Freshmen changed our lives forever,” Vander Ark expresses. “At that time, not a lot of songs were telling a linear story. It feels good that I could tell a story and still have it resonate with people.”
“We’ve got a whole new flock of freshmen coming up,” says Vander Ark on why the song keeps cycling throughout new generations.
Vander Ark has been one of our earliest HiNOTE pioneers.
“I find that these things you can do for the fans – that connection – is really important. It’s important to do something that they want you to do. I’m willing to do any song that anybody wants to hear, they just have to make the request. HiNOTE really is an amazing way to connect with fans. Especially during the pandemic. Doing this has been great!”
He discusses his upcoming plans to write a book of short stories that pertain to the album Villians – each song attached to a different story. Keep an eye out for that – but for now, you can just keep streaming “The Freshmen.”